Next Generation Youth (NextGen Youth) is ready to takeover. We are sharp, educated and ready for leadership.
We believe in the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and his teachings about the kingdom of God. We believe in establishing the kingdom of God in our city and changing lives. We believe in our personal assignment and we assume responsibility in our various areas of gifting. We inspire, we motivate and we lead. We are Agents of Change!


NextGen Youth organise a variety of programs to keep you active and inspired. We organise gatherings, worship-nights, seminars, barbecues, and a lot more! We are sure we have something you would like!

  • Sports and games
  • Barbecues
  • Seminars and worship
  • Talent development
’ Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.’’
Proverbs 3:7

The Readers Club

The Readers Club offers you an in-depth program of literature and serves as a knowledge sharing network that is highly recommendable for anyone who wants to become a highly effective individual. The readers club offers live changing books that transform your paradigm and make you ready for greatness.

Join our Readers' Club

‘’My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge…’’ Hosea 4:6


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